Water Challenge To Flush Out Aquapreneurs

With more than half the world population living with water scarcity and many water sources impacted by industry, agriculture and civic waste, the regeneration of water supplies has become an increasingly urgent need globally. So as part of the drive towards meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Uplink presents the Tackling Water Pollution Challenge.

The programme has funding to run a challenge each year for five years in any effort to identify budding “aquapreneurs”. Conservation and restoration of freshwater systems is the chief focus for the initiative. A recent World Bank study calls for coordinated global action on water remediation with an estimated $22 trillion in spending on water infrastructure required by 2050. A sum likely to far exceed the capacity of governments and municipalities.

Water security underpins almost every aspect of life on the planet. Water sufficiency and quality is both a fundamental basis for good human health and essential for food production and ecosystem protection. Furthermore, future conflicts may emerge as competition for water resources increases, especially in places where climate change is having the most impact. Protecting and increasing clean water supplies seems like one of the most pressing needs of our time.

The Tackling Water Pollution Challenge offers substantial, non-equity investment to innovators looking to commercialise viable solutions for pollution reduction in waterways. A range of applications will be considered including, water contamination prevention, water management, waste water treatment and household water quality solutions. Entrants must be beyond idea stage with a demonstrable business model and a core team already in place.

Image credit: Amil Pintuan via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0

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