Terms of Use


Genius ReFi is a brand of GeniusNet Research Limited, a New Zealand based limited liability company subject to the laws of New Zealand and domiciled within the jurisdiction of the High Court of New Zealand.

Our website address is: https://geniusrefi.com.

By using the Genius ReFi website (“the website”) or associated Discord platform channels (“discussion forum”) and any related apps and services, you accept these Terms of Use and are bound by them. If you do not accept these Terms of Use, you should not use the Genius ReFi websites, discussion forum and related apps or services.

We may amend these Terms of Use in whole or in part from time to time. Amendments will be effective immediately when we post the amended Terms of Use on the Genius ReFi website. You are responsible for ensuring you are familiar with the latest Terms of Use. By continuing to use this website, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use as amended (whether or not you have received any amendments).


The copyright for all content (including, but not limited to text, audio, video and images) provided on the website is held by Genius ReFi or is licensed by Genius ReFi from third parties.

Unless otherwise stated the content may not be copied or used on other internet sites, apps, publications (electronic or physical), recorded or rebroadcast without the express written permission of Genius ReFi.

You may link to any public pages within the website should you wish to do so, but please be aware that content may be removed at any time. You may not link to or share content or pages within the private part of the site or discussion forum.

Genius ReFi is not responsible for the content of external links from Genius ReFi websites, discussion forum or apps.


The information contained on the Genius ReFi website and discussion forum is for general informational purposes only and does not in any way constitute investment advice, an offer, or a solicitation to buy or sell securities or participate in any investment strategy. Nothing contained on the website or discussion forum constitutes professional or investment advice and no warranty explicit or implied is given regarding the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information provided on the website or discussion forum.

Users of the website and discussion forum should conduct their own analysis and seek independent advice in relation to any information contained on the website or discussion forum. Genius ReFi and Genius Net Research Limited accepts no liability in relation to any direct or indirect loss or damage arising as a result of use or reliance upon information of any sort contained within the website and discussion forum.

Podcast or Video Feeds

These feeds are for personal use only. No audio or text may be posted to a website, distributed to a third party or broadcast via any means including (but not limited to) radio, television and the internet, except with the express permission of Genius ReFi.

All material is copyright to Genius ReFi or used by permission with full attribution of source.

Content Standards

You may not post any content which:

  • contains pornography and sexually explicit material;
  • contains offensive text or images.
  • incites hatred on any grounds or otherwise encourages or facilitates anti-social behaviour;
  • contain gratuitous violence or promotes, encourages or facilitates violence;
  • promote, encourage or facilitate terrorism or other activities that risk national security;
  • discriminate against any specific social group or otherwise exploit vulnerable sections of society;
  • promotes, facilitates or encourages illegal activity;
  • is misleading, defamatory, or that contains illegal or otherwise objectionable content;
  • infringe individual privacy;
  • put the welfare of children at risk;
  • Genius ReFi reasonably considers may damage Genius ReFi’s reputation or may otherwise bring Genius ReFi into disrepute.

Removal of Objectionable Material

Genius ReFi accepts no responsibility nor any liability for media or written content posted by users of the website or the discussion forum.

Genius ReFi reserves the right to immediately remove any content in the case where:

  • the content itself contains anything misleading, defamatory or objectionable, or otherwise would bring Genius ReFi into disrepute; or may cause Genius ReFi to incur liability to any third party; or
  • content connected with any restricted or illegal product or service; or
  • The content is of an offensive nature; or
  • The content is subject to removal based on a Court Order.

Furthermore, Genius Refi reserves the right to suspend without notice or explanation the account of any user associated with offensive text, media or illegal or any other content. 

Further Definition of Offensive Material

“Offensive” material comprises (but is not limited to) threats aimed at a person or group of people, hate speech based on race, religion, sexual orientation or political views, as well as violent, sexually explicit or disturbing content.

Continuity of Service

Genius ReFi does not guarantee the site, discussion forum or associated apps and services will be available continuously or will operate error free.

Collection of Data

Please refer to our privacy policy for full details.


When you provide your email address to Genius ReFi for the purposes of subscribing to an email newsletter, Genius ReFi does not sell or pass that address on to any third parties.

Complaints or Disagreements

Any complaints or disagreements shall, in the first instance, be presented to Genius ReFi in writing and we shall do our best to find a resolution within 30 days. In the event of a resolution not being possible, any outstanding matters shall be placed before a disputes resolution tribunal in New Zealand. As a final recourse, Genius ReFi recognises only the High Court of New Zealand.