The Holy Grail Of Green Bio-Fuels

With electric and hydrogen powered vehicles not yet making a substantial impact, airlines, ship owners and logistics firms have lately been pulling back from commitments to net zero emissions. The big energy companies are also rethinking their sustainable fuels strategies. But with the cost of installing solar energy dropping and with new science emerging, could…

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Mycelium Based Fashion Mushrooming

Circularity and sustainability are at the heart of the ethos behind Italian biomaterials innovator SQIM. Using only mycelium and fermentation the company creates low environmental impact, high value products for the interior design, fashion and automotive manufacturing sectors. Using a proprietary process developed in-house, the company creates fashionable and high quality interior surface panels for the…

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Water Challenge To Flush Out Aquapreneurs

With more than half the world population living with water scarcity and many water sources impacted by industry, agriculture and civic waste, the regeneration of water supplies has become an increasingly urgent need globally. So as part of the drive towards meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Uplink presents the Tackling Water Pollution Challenge….

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Cashed Up Nano Firm Collaborates With University Researchers

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the incredible discovery of graphene. The elusive nano-material demonstrates astounding properties with applications including electronics, clothing, paints, healthcare and water purification. In particular graphene is actively being explored as a foundation for targeted therapeutics and implantable devices and sensors. Collaborations between industry and research groups have been forging…

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Samsara Eco Races To Recycle Nylon Fast Fashions

A spinoff company from the Australian National University plans to shake up the garment industry with recycling of polyester, a commonly used fabric derived from petrochemicals. Now with fresh funding of AUD $100 million, the company is building up a family of biological catalysts with applications across a wide range of industries. Samsara Eco sprung…

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